Monday, July 20, 2009

vOiCe oF tHe hEaRt

Yesterday cant write blog bahx,cant use computer.Actually i dont want use it.Wo yesterday jiu shi so lucky.The amaran 1 letter already send dao wo house le =_=lll.I think the school sended both 2 wo papa house n wo house =_=lll."So good".Then mami came to find me norx.Wah,hebat...While i eating the hotdog bread.Mami come,xia dao wo.I thought what happen mahx.Ask nia,she jiu give me the amaran 1 letter =_=lll.Wo tell mami what happen to me and the problem im actually facing.I told everything.I think mami began 2 understand me liao le.I feel free le hen duo.I think i also understand wo mami de hardship bahx.I think actually is our house the problem.I think we going 2 solve it soon.Or i will use wo own way to solve it.Gt 3 de.First jiu shi wo go Cheras,stay wif papa,second jiu shi wo stay outside.Rent house and work with some helping funds from papa or mama(need keng with them 1st).Lastly jiu shi wo continue stay norx.But got anything,wo jiu shi bu hui ren liao.Zhi jie jiang only.Dun care liao.That's easy rite?Herm,dunno why,but i think my amaran 1 helped le mi ><.But i dont hope for amaran 2 narx xp.Hu want's it.I think i will re-new again myself bahx.I will not let the hope from you all to me in vain just like that.Xie xie all~~~muacks xD