Friday, July 17, 2009

17 June 2009

2day jiu nth big happen bahx.Just inside bio class the time(the old bitch class =_=lll)Wo n Tengku mahx sit under the table in chemistry lab norx.Woo~~~at first,tought she see bu dao us de.Then b4 wan finish bio class,she checked namelist n find us.Wah,kaolat norx.We thinking,hw 2 go out without give her noticed.Then when wo pop out 2 check area.Omg,give she see dao jor.Nvm norx,c mah c norx.We got give her c dao or not,osos give her demerit de nerx.4 nia,give she norx.101-4=97.Cheh~~~Zui duo,wo next time moral lesson.Bring teks book norx.Bring teks book jiu can recover back wo de 4 marks merit le xD.Then,wo after school.Jiu go mc le.As wo heard,2day chong hwa guo zhong got cross country mahx,Go dao in nia,jiu feel like inside pasar malam =_=lll.Up down dou no place sit.Nvm,tumpang place frens place a while ><.Then c dao Zhi Hong,Yoke Kuan n Kuan Sing come le.Hohox,we al jiu sit 2gether norx.Wo buy 1 set regular McChicken eat norx.Then getting more n more ppl le.L Tou,Chuan zai,Seng Lee n Chung Hung dou lai le.We chui shui chui dao so loud nehx.Wo laugh dao,buay tahan ><.Then at behind de table,jiu dao le convent de girls.Ohoh,2day our school n convent school gt meeting mahx.Chinese Society de.Wan make a gathering 2gether nehx xD.I looking forward 4 it too ><.Our school de boys,2.30 cai dao =_=lll.Convent girls 1pm like tat jiu dao le.Then they start keng norx.But gt a Cambridge manager lai mahx,so...2 of our boys tio tarik n go hear his lecture norx.They they jiu start keng their gathering things le,at another table.Zhi Hong n few boys,osos go le.Left wo,Yoke Kuan n Seng Lee nia.Seng Lee jiu go hear the gathering thingy.Herm,wo n Yoke Kuan jiu keng gai norx at ther.Then at 5pm,wo n Yoke Kuan jiu go le.Huhux,They osos havent keng finish nehx.Dun care le,late jor.We go bahx.I walk bak home,Yoke Kuan jiu sit lrt home.Wo dao jia le,bath then eat nerx.Omg,eat chicken agn?McChicken=chicken...fried chicken...3 pieces.Omg,chicken chicken chicken...Fei si wo le T_T.Then walk pasar malam norx.Then bak home le,jiu nid finish up 1 fried chicken drumstick =_=lll.Total is 4 pieces chicken n 1 hamburger's ham =_=lll.Wo wan go zhuang qiang liao.Already gain liao 6kg.Wan go eat like tat somore,sei norx T_T.Herm,wo around 2 days dou mei cai someone le...Wo sms her osos less,on9 osos less tis 2 days...Bcaus wo bo credit n busy at nite T_T.Sry arhx,i nt bu cai ni.4gv wi yea~~~T_T,miss ni...


  1. swt!! me u put L tou ==... watashiwa L not L tou ==||

  2. dun make teacher scold u, ok? wow miss someone o?? gud lo...

  3. Alvin>>>hiya,same narx,stil gt L xD
    Emily>>>hehex,she scold wo osos nth de le,like wind pass through wo ear nia...xixi,en norx...jiu shi miss ni nehx,if nt hu someore?xD

  4. dun miss too much or make u clumsy and didn't pay attention. ==" like last time when u work

  5. ahem~~~wo wil more bcareful de nerx~~><
